Tuesday 12 March 2013

Oz The Great and Powerful

I was so blessed by the encouraging messages sent by my friends after they read my post yesterday. Thank you for all the encouragement.

So yesterday night I finally watched "Oz The Great and Powerful". I always have this affection towards Disney movies and I don't know why. I love Disney. Disney loves me. We are happy family haha.
I've never read the story book so I didn't know what was the story line like. When I saw the trailer, I was like "Bammm it's Disney! I'm so going to watch this!!!" and off I went yesterday.

Basically, the movie was about Oz the magician who was carried away by a hot air balloon to the Land of Oz. People of the land thought that he was the great and powerful wizard Oz who would save them and their land from the hands of the wicked witch. The plot was good. It's always "the evil cannot defeat the good" in Disney movies. The graphic was amazing. What I loved the most was the theme of the movie - when we believe, everything becomes possible.

What an interesting and uplifting quote. In the movie, Oz finally chose to believe that they could defeat the wicked witches and indeed, they won the battle. In real life, Thomas Edison believed and he invented the first incandescent light bulb; the Wright brothers believed that flight was possible and they invented the first airplane...There are so many more real life examples where people do believe, things happen.

I call this faith. Faith in God. This reminded me of the verse,
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."     (Hebrews 11:1)
Reflecting this on my life, I realized that sometimes I would lose faith in God in times of troubles and uncertainties. I would lose my focus and thought that the whole world is falling apart. But these thoughts don't belong to God. God wants me to believe in Him, to trust in Him, to have faith in Him, and everything will be possible. For the Bible says "... Everything is possible for him who believes" (Mark 9:23) , "For nothing is impossible with God." (Luke 1:37).
I learnt that it is important to believe, not in ourselves, but in God.
For He is the Great and Powerful =)

I gave this movie a rating of 9/10. One mark deducted because I was scared by the witches >_<

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