Sunday 26 August 2012


What a special day! Say hellooooooo to the first day of uni break! I made a list of what-to-do in these short seven days of freedom:

1. I want to improve my piano-playing skill.
2. I want to improve my cooking skill.
3. I want to improve my studying skill.

For the past two weeks, I had been leading a restless life. Everyday was just about revising for tests and rushing on my assignments. I know I deserve F-U-N during the holiday but I deserted the idea of watching kdramas like no tomorrow and chose those three above. The main reason is because I want to have a productive holiday. Instead of wasting my time on dramas, I'd rather improvise myself. I used to sit in front of my laptop and streamed kdramas for the whole day during my holiday and what did I receive in the end? Nothing but insomnia lol. It was amazing how your brain would replay every single scene of the dramas when you were trying hard to fall asleep. So, it's time for a change. Regarding the studying skill, it's basically spending a few hours to study each day although it's holiday. I don't want my brain to be rusty when uni begins. So I will have to force myself to sit in front of my laptop and study my lecture notes in these seven days. 

Let's do this. Yeah!
(I just did my second item in the list. I made this omuraisu for my lunch. It was my first time and I was so happy that it wasn't a failure! Hahahahahahahaha)
Smile people! ^_^